Everyone Experiences a Rock Bottom

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway

"I rebuilt my life on the solid foundation of rock bottom." J.K. Rowling's

Life can be difficult, and there may be times when we feel as if we have nowhere to go. However, it is vital to realize that this is a common experience and that many others have gone through it and emerged stronger. Adversity can help us develop resilience and strength, and rock bottom can serve as a firm foundation on which to rebuild our lives. It is critical to persevere, to not lose up hope, and to remember that new beginnings can emerge from the darkest of places.

One Affirmation a Day:

"Today, I choose to remember that rock bottom is not the end. I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. I will not give up hope, for a new beginning may be just around the corner."
