Do It Again If You Want to Develop a Good Habit

We are what we do over and over again." Excellence, then, is a habit, not an act. - Aristotle

Success is a habit, not a one-time event." "You are what you do repeatedly.- Shaquille O'Neal's

What gets you started is motivation." "What keeps you going is habit. - James Ryun

Developing excellent habits can be difficult, but it is necessary for personal growth and success. We can create a habit of repeating positive activities and behaviors, which will lead to long-term success.

The quotation from Aristotle emphasizes the importance of habit in obtaining perfection. We may consistently strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives if we make excellent habits a part of our daily routine.

Shaquille O'Neal's remark highlights that success is earned via consistent and repeated activities rather than a single act. We can attain success and become the best versions of ourselves by developing positive habits and repeating them on a regular basis.

According to Jim Ryun's comment, motivation gets us started, but habit is what keeps us going. We can continue to make progress toward our goals even when our motivation wanes by building excellent habits and keeping them a consistent part of our routine.


 I resolve today to repeating positive activities and behaviors in order to form good habits. Even when motivation is low, I will make a concerted effort to practice these habits on a regular and consistent basis. 
